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ROCKETRON – Análisis

El nombre de Astro Port, seguramente, no os suene demasiado, pero aquí ya hemos hablado alguna que otra vez de ellos. Es una pequeña empresa de origen nipón que ha estado danzando entre eventos locales y nichos como los matamarcianos o el run & gun hasta que, primero, consiguieron que alguien sacase sus juegos en Occidente, y segundo, apareciesen en otras plataformas como consolas (curiosamente, la primera consola donde se vieron sus juegos fue en Dreamcast, el año pasado). Recientemente ha aparecido Gigantic Army en Nintendo Switch, y esperamos que esto les permita, poco a poco, ser más conocidos. Y es que a pesar de que sus juegos no tienen un presupuesto muy alto ni son el colmo de la originalidad (aunque sí que pueden tener detalles interesantes), lo cierto es que suelen ser proyectos con muchos detalles interesantes, como la mecánica de la teletransportación en Zangeki Warp, uno de sus últimos juegos.

Un satisfactorio run & gun

La historia en Rocketron es bastante sencilla, de hecho podríamos considerar que realmente es una excusa para introducirnos en el juego, si no fuera porque posteriormente nos encontramos con diferentes personajes que nos van desgranando poco a poco más detalles de la trama, y que si bien nunca consiguen que esta sea tenida en demasiada consideración, tampoco podemos decir que sea despreciable del todoVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Básicamente, nuestro personaje es el elegido para llevar a cabo una misión que ya habían intentado otros: derrotar a lo que se ha llamado “el culto de Gogoth” (los mismos enemigos que en Armed 7, otro juego de Astro Port), que desde el planeta Metnal 28 intenta dominar el mundo. Allá va nuestro personaje, de nombre clave B.L.A.M, a intentar arreglar el desaguisado.

Lo importante a la hora de jugar a Rocketron es lo bien que se siente a los mandos. Si no fuera porque es un juego japonés, y de origen humilde además, podríamos considerar que es una versión mejorada y actualizada del clásico alemán Turrican, a la que se le añaden toques de Probotector, Cybernator y Metroid, como ya pasase de alguna manera en juegos anteriores de Astro Port como Steel Strider. Así, nos encontramos con un juego en el que manejamos a nuestro personaje por un mapeado continuo, pero en el que la acción es bastante más intensa que en un metroidvania de manual, dando mucha importancia a los combates entre diferentes enemigos (que son principalmente robots de varios tamaños y naves espaciales), los cuales suelen aparecer en pantalla ya sea de manera planificada (los derrotas y no vuelven a aparecer hasta que no vuelves a esa zona) o continua, con puertas o similares por donde aparecen más enemigos.Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online

Por suerte, BLAM tiene a su alcance un arsenal de armas de lo más variado, y eso le permite enfrentarse con éxito a los diferentes enemigos. El primer arma con la que empezamos es una pistola con una cadencia de disparo bastante decente y un poder aceptable, pero que cuando recogemos unas bolas de energía que dejan algunos enemigos de manera aleatoria alcanzan un estado superior de manera temporal, y durante ese rato la cadencia y el poder son mucho mayor. Poco tiempo después nos dejan una metralleta y una recortada, que aunque tienen una cantidad de balas ilimitadas no podemos abusar de ellas de la misma manera que hacemos con la pistola porque se pueden estropear, de manera que lo ideal es ir alternando entre las diferentes armas. Por si fuera poco podemos coger unos cristales que están repartidos por el escenario con los que podemos adquirir mejoras para algunas armas (la primera no, por ejemplo) y también para correr más o tener más vida. Cuando llevemos ya un rato de partida lo cierto es que el arsenal será mucho más notable, con armas de cuerpo a cuerpo, rayos especiales o cohetes, y esto redunda mucho en las posibilidades que tenemos a la hora de avanzar por el escenario.

Un elemento que requiere que nos paremos un poco a la hora de hablar de él es la especie de jetpack que tiene nuestro protagonista. Es realmente una especie de punto intermedio entre el jetpack de Willy Jetman y el doble salto de Shinobi III, y además tiene otras funciones como la posibilidad de desplazarnos en lateral de manera más rápida (aunque luego hay que dejar cargarlo de nuevo). Dada su importancia, la posibilidad de mejora está puesta aparte de los otros aspectos mentados anteriormente, y para ello tendremos que encontrar los correspondientes elementos repartidos por el mapa.

Juntando todo lo que hemos comentado, nos encontramos con que Rocketron nos ofrece una cantidad de horas no demasiado elevadas pero muy intensas, en los que al principio avanzamos sin demasiado problema mientras vamos recogiendo partes que mejoran nuestro traje, pero posteriormente esas partes son puestas a prueba de diferentes maneras, desde combates más espectaculares que difíciles (si queréis que sean un reto tendréis que experimentar los niveles de dificultad más complicados, el juego si no es bastante accesible), hasta momentos en los que tendremos que aprender a usar bien el jetpack de nuestro protagonista para no perder más vida de la necesaria.

Rocketron sigue la estela de desarrollos anteriores de Astro Port a nivel audiovisual, en los que usan gráficos pixelados pero sin ser demasiado definidos, de manera que quedan un poco a medio camino entre el pixel art tradicional y otras interpretaciones en dos dimensiones más modernas como el sistema Spine de Unity. En este caso nos encontramos con que de normal veremos bastante animación tradicional en dos dimensiones, pero de vez en cuando podremos encontrarnos con algún giro o algún detalle que implica otras técnicas, como el uso del apuntado de nuestra arma o los grandes jefes finales, los cuales sin ser demasiado difíciles si que suelen ser muy espectaculares, de gran tamaño, una notable variedad de armas, e incluso cierta capacidad para modificar el decorado, lo que redunda en una mayor espectacularidad visual.

A nivel sonoro no podemos decir que estemos ante un juego muy inspirado, aunque realmente no es que hayan hecho un mal trabajo. Sus melodías recuerdan, de nuevo, a una mezcla de Turrican y Metroid, con un punto de composiciones electrónicas marchosas mezcladas con ritmos más pausados y con reminiscencias a lo misterioso que es el espacio. Se ven acompañadas, eso sí, de una buena cantidad de efectos de sonido bastante espectaculares que provocan que disfrutemos más con todo lo que pasa a lo largo y ancho de la aventura.


Rocketron es un gran juego de acción que como suele pasar con los desarrollos de este modesto equipo va a pasar relativamente desapercibido, aunque en ningún caso parece ser que les importe demasiado. Es muy divertido a la hora de avanzar por el mapeado, nos encontramos con un montón de situaciones distintas en el rato que nos dure la partida y es espectacular en casi todos sus enfrentamientos. Lo han lanzado a precio de derribo, así que si os gusta la acción, la exploración y no necesitáis que un juego tenga un presupuesto enorme para poder dedicarle un tiempo, es muy recomendable.

Hemos realizado este análisis adquiriendo el juego en Steam.

Warhammer 40,000- Space Marine 2 PC Specs And Minimum Requirements Outlined

Given the positive reviews of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, which launches very soon, you might now be wondering what kind of PC specs you need to join the fight. Publisher Focus Entertainment recommends a beefy RTX 3070 GPU with 8GB of VRAM to help render those swarms of homicidal species that originate from outside the galaxy, especially if you’re looking to get a 60fps experience.

You’ll also need a decent CPU and 16GB of RAM if you want to play the game in 1080p and at 60fps. In comparison, the minimum PC requirements are more forgiving if you’re using older hardware, although this targets 30fps at 1080p to help keep the game running smoothly. The mandatory requirement across all PCs is a solid-state drive with 75GB of storage capacity available, which will likely help process all the hundreds of heretics you’ll face on the battlefield.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Minimum PC Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10/11 64-bit
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X or Intel Core i5-8600K
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: 6GB VRAM, AMD Radeon RX 580 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060
  • Direct X: Version 12
  • Storage: 75GB, SSD required
  • Additional notes: 30fps in 1920 x 1080 with “Low” preset

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Recommended PC Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10/11 64-bit
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x or Intel Core i7-12700
  • Memory: 16GB RAM
  • Graphics: 8GB VRAM, AMD Radeon RX6800 XT or Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070
  • Direct X: Version 12
  • Storage: 75GB, SSD required
  • Additional notes: 60fps in 1920 x 1080 with “Ultra” preset

Trailers for Space Marine 2 have shown off a very good-looking game so far, full of battle-damaged armor and crumbling citadels, so it’s not too surprising that the recommended requirements are on the more-demanding side.

Hardware requirements for 1440p or 4K haven’t been revealed yet, although it’s likely you’ll need a 40-series Nvidia GPU and more RAM to reach those high-performance graphical thresholds. Space Marine 2 will also launch for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on September 9.

Developer Saber Interactive recently confirmed that all gameplay content and features will be free to all players, as only cosmetics will be sold as premium DLC. Preloading for Space Marine 2 won’t be available on PC, although early access will go live soon for those who preorder certain editions.

Local Virginia Resident Strikes $1.3M Jackpot at MGM National Harbor

On May 5, the lights of MGM National Harbor shone brighter than ever as a local Virginia resident, who has decided not to disclose his/her identity, grabbed a whopping $1.3 million jackpot payout after playing Ultimate Texas Hold’em. The fortunate player got a winning royal flush in diamonds, which helped him/her score the largest payouts ever recorded in the United States for this popular table game.

Virginia Visitor Strikes Diamond Flush Jackpot

The massive win was preceded by a thrilling sequence of events. First, the player, who is not from Maryland but came to play at MGM National Harbor from neighboring Virginia, was dealt a Queen and a King of diamonds. Those cards ignited a glimmer of hope. As the game progressed, the player felt an even greater tinge of anticipation after he also got the third card, a Jack of diamonds. Then the Ace of diamonds followed on the turn. At the end, the 10 of diamonds completed the flush on the river.

Alex Alvarado, vice president of casino operations at MGM National Harbor, rejoiced in the player’s success, noting: “What an incredible moment for our guest to win this huge jackpot at MGM National Harbor. As an entertainment destination, our mission is to provide a variety of options for guests to have an unforgettable experience — whether at a restaurant, a show, or in the casino. We’re thrilled that a local struck a big payday on one of our many table games that feature progressive jackpots.”

Situated just outside of the city of Washington, D.C., MGM National Harbor is an integrated casino resort offering a variety of amenities and entertainment options. The resort boasts a 23-story hotel with 308 luxury rooms and 135,000 square feet of gaming space. 

Beyond the casino floor, guests can explore an array of retail outlets, rejuvenate their senses at the spa, and indulge their palates at seven distinct dining venues offering culinary delights from around the globe.

From Improbability to Fortune

The seven-figure windfall defied astronomical odds, standing at nearly 31,000-to-1, making it a rare and extraordinary feat in high-stakes poker. The sheer rarity of attaining a royal flush in 7-card Texas Hold ‘Em underscores the magnitude of this achievement, with statistical probabilities standing at a mere 0.0032%.

This astronomic win will serve as a glimmer of hope for all players engaging in games with high progressive jackpots that will now dream of their own short at fortune.For the MGM National Harbor casino, this major win is proof of its allure as a premier destination for both high rollers and casual gamblers alike. The casino’s wide range of amenities do not only offer entertainment but also the enticing prospect of life-changing wins.

FanDuel among latest sports betting operators to gain approval in Ontario

Sports betting is set to start soon in Ontario, with operators steadily gaining approval for launch via the Alcohol and Gaming Commission. The latest to receive approval includes FanDuel, Unibet, and Coolbet. The operators still need to complete an agreement with iGaming Ontario to officially launch sports betting services in the province.

A Large Market Preparing to Launch

The Commission has approved several companies over the last few weeks as the sports betting industry looks to launch on April 4. BetRivers and 888 Sportsbook were among those approved. For BetRivers, its parent company, Rush Street Interactive, has already been involved in the industry somewhat, having launched a free play sports betting option in Canada back in October.

For FanDuel, the brand has been prepping for an Ontario launch for quite some time. In 2021, the company hired Dale Hooper to act as its Canada services general manager. The company plans to provide sports betting differently in Canada than in the United States. FanDuel will localize its sportsbook for bettors in Canada, hoping to capture the market share in Ontario in the process.

Online sports betting has already begun in Ontario via ProLine+. Ontario Lottery and Gaming expanded its products and services to include online sports betting in August of last year. Several provincial lotteries began offering services at the exact same time as single-event sports betting was legalized.

ProLine+ has secured partnerships after launching its sportsbook, including deals with the NHL and NFL. The lottery offers a wide selection of retail sports betting options via over 10,000 retailers within the province.

Ready for an Open Market

Back in January, the province announced that an open market for single-game online sports betting would launch on April 4. This would allow an unlimited number of commercial operators to gain licensing.

The move became possible after Canadian lawmakers decided to change legislation last year to allow legalized wagering on single bets involving football, ice hockey, and baseball events, along with other sports. Known as the Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act, the measure gave individual jurisdictions the right to detail how it would license and regulate the new betting options.

It is expected that the open market will do well in Ontario, as the province has over 13 million residents. With major companies in the mix, it is expected that a record-setting number of wagers will be placed along with big revenue earnings. It will be interesting to see how the industry fares once it launches in the next few weeks.

Pragmatic Play Limited launching Daily Wins prize pool promotion

Maltese online casino games and software developer Pragmatic Play Limited has reportedly announced the upcoming launch of a special eight-week promotion that is destined to see $3 million added to the prize pools of its various managed tournaments.

According to a report from Inside Asian Gaming, the Sliema-headquartered innovator detailed that its Daily Wins campaign will kick off from Thursday as the largest such promotion of its kind ever to have been fully sponsored by a provider. The source explained that online casino aficionados are to subsequently be given until July 29 to attempt to bank a portion of this added cash via a wide selection of the developer’s games.

Recognizable runner:

Pragmatic Play Limited reportedly disclosed that it is to fully manage this promotion on behalf of its partner iGaming operators in hopes of allowing these to boost their player engagement and performance. The firm purportedly moreover divulged that aficionados will be able to easily identify the qualifying titles within the Daily Wins promotion by looking for an associated logo on the corner of game thumbnails at participating sites.

Bespoke battle:

Yossi Barzely serves as the Chief Business Development Officer for Pragmatic Play Limited and he reportedly declared that the Daily Wins promotion has been ‘especially created for our client base of casino operators’ after earlier being ‘incredibly well received’ by players visiting its Asia-facing partner domains.

Reportedly read a statement from Barzely…

“Integrating our live casino games into the Daily Wins promotion will give players the chance to bank a share of $3 million in cashCome from Online Betting Site. We continue to look for ways to enhance our players’ experience and are very excited for this promotion to kick off from June 3.”

Extra events:

The move from Pragmatic Play Limited reportedly comes a little over a month after the innovator launched a new promotions management platform for its live casino games that now enables operators to run their own unique tournaments utilizing its very own roulette, blackjack, baccarat and Mega Wheel titles.

Additional attraction:

Barzely used an official April 21 press release to proclaim that this latter debut coincided with his firm publicizing the upcoming addition of €1 million ($1.2 million) to the monthly prize pool for its popular Drops and Wins promotional campaign. The executive furthermore stated that this cash is to be evenly split between its live casino and video slot competitions and allows partner operators to ‘optimize player engagement’ for the 24 weeks to November 17.

Profitable proposition:

Pragmatic Play Limited declared that this extra cash is to be added to its Drops and Win tournaments from June 3 in order to give slot players a shot at an added €500,000 ($608,800) every month with an identical amount being attached to its live casino prize pools.

Barzely’s statement read…

“Our Drops and Wins promotions have been incredibly well received by our fans all over the globe and we couldn’t be happier to give them even more reasons to celebrate with this massive promotion. Incorporating our live casino offering as well, Drops and Wins will have given players the chance to win a share of €7 million ($8.5 million) in cash prizes by the end of November.”Come from Online Betting Site

Resorts World Las Vegas to Raise Cyberbullying Awareness

Resorts World Las Vegas, an integrated casino resort on the Las Vegas Strip, announced a new initiative aimed at raising awareness about cyberbullying during this year’s March Madness.

Fan Engagement EventCome from Online Betting Site

Resorts World Las Vegas teamed with non-profit Buckets Over Bullying to host “Full Court March” and raise cyberbullying awareness during the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)’s college basketball tournament this month. For that purpose, Resorts World will set up an indoor basketball court at the resort’s retail center, The District.

At Resorts World Las Vegas, we believe in the power of sports to bring people together and promote positive change.

Lori Flahive-Caldero, executive director of Community Engagement of Resorts World Las Vegas

Flahive-Caldero is proud to partner with Buckets Over Bullying for “Full Court March” and stand against cyberbullying.

For three weeks starting March 14, the Full Court March fan experience at Resorts World Las Vegas will allow the casino resort and the non-profit to bring attention to the growing crisis of youth cyberbullying that is spreading like wildfire nationwide, with more than a third of all students reported as being victims of it before finishing high school.

“We hope this event will inspire our community to come together and promote kindness, respect, and inclusion both on and off the court,” Flahive-Caldero concluded.

Sports Personalities at the Center

The initiative will feature basketball trick shot expert and current Buckets Over Bullying board member, Tristan Jass, “TJass,” and the one-time tallest basketball player at the NCAA Division I level, hoopster Mamadou N’Diaye. TJass and N’Diaye will showcase their talents and engage with the fans through drill sessions and basketball challenges.Come from Online Betting Site

“I deeply believe in the work that Buckets Over Bullying is doing and I am confident that we can make a real difference,” commented TJass, eager to get on the court and engage with the fans.

He also paid tribute to Nate Bronstein, a 15-year Chicago sophomore and TJass fan who lost his life to suicide in 2022 after being cyberbullied on social media by classmates at the Latin School of Chicago.

Another Buckets Over Bullying board member, Pauly Urdan, a.k.a., will be the event’s MC, upping the energy levels, while throughout the event fans will be presented with T-shirts and other prizes.

Cyberbullying Awareness Messaging

During the event, cyberbullying awareness messages will be displayed on the West Tower screen, the LED globe in The District, and at various locations at Resorts World. The messages will include a QR code to take the pledge: “I Will Never Use My Device as a Weapon!”

The co-founder of Buckets Over Bullying, Rose Bronstein, was “extremely grateful to Resorts World Las Vegas, Tristan and Mamadou” for their contribution to help “educate and compel action by both youth and adults to combat this scourge.”

“No one should have to endure the grief and suffering cyberbullying has forever inflicted upon our family,” she added, urging for better cyberbullying abuse protections from the dangers of the digital world that is now part of a child’s life.

According to multiple clinical studies, adolescents and teens are up to four times more likely to inflict self-harm, attempt or commit suicide if cyberbullied.