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Wraith- The Oblivion – Afterlife – Análisis

Aunque quizás no es el más popular en el mundo de los videojuegos, el universo de los juegos de rol de Wrath: The Oblivion lleva ya casi tres décadas entre nosotros, y ahora Fast Travel Games nos da la oportunidad de descubrirlo en realidad virtual con un título para PC, PlayStation VR y Oculus Quest que sabe aprovechar con acierto muchas de las bondades de la realidad virtual. Os contamos qué tiene que ofrecer este Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife.

Bienvenidos a la mansión Barclay

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife es un juego de terror e infiltración en primera persona, con mucho enfoque en la narrativa, que nos pone en la piel de un fantasma (los wraith que dan título a la experiencia) que se adentra en la mansión Barclay para descubrir los eventos que lo guiaron a su propia muerte.

En general, la historia nos ha parecido bastante interesante, por lo que nos parece bien que se le haya dado tanto énfasisVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Cómo se ha implementado la historia es otra cosa, y lo discutiremos más adelante.

A nivel diseño, es un título que bebe mucho de los survival horror clásicos como Resident Evil, encerrándonos en una mansión que tendremos que recorrer mientras conseguimos llaves o habilidades que nos ayudarán a progresar, y con guardado manual sólo en ciertos sitios. Desde una linterna a atravesar paredes, poco a poco vamos consiguiendo recursos que no sólo nos permitirán acceder a nuevas áreas, sino también enfrentarnos a las criaturas que habitan la mansión.

Los enfrentamientos, en realidad, son secuencias de infiltración, ya que no podemos atacar, sólo defendernos con la linterna siempre y cuando nos quede energía, haciendo preferible evitar los encuentros a toda costa. Otros elementos, como la cámara de fotos, nos permiten descubrir nuevos fragmentos de la historia, recompensando así la exploración. Aunque se podría haber hecho mejor (por ejemplo, activar un visor si nos acercamos la cámara a un ojo en lugar de atravesar los polígonos), todos estos elementos aportan variedad e interactividad.

La realidad virtual

Ya sabéis que para nosotros es muy importante que un juego en realidad virtual aproveche y se adapte al formato; si no, casi que es preferible hacer un juego tradicional. La buena noticia es que Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife lo hace. Nuestro detalle favorito, quizás, es que podemos usar nuestros brazos como una especie de brújula para indicarnos el camino. Manteniendo pulsado un botón, las venas del brazo se iluminan cuando apuntamos al lugar hacia el que tenemos que ir, algo que encaja a la perfección con la temática y sirve, además, como ayuda sin romper la inmersión.

Lo que menos nos gusta es la falta de interacción durante las extensas secuencias narrativas. Vamos a ver constantemente, una y otra vez, espíritus hablando y desglosando la historia, y no podemos hacer absolutamente nada salvo esperar a que terminen de charlar. Esto no es lo que uno espera de la realidad virtual. También hemos encontrado los escenarios poco interactivos pero, al menos, en general nos ha parecido que sabe ofrecer una experiencia que nos sumerge en la aventura y que consigue atraparnos durante las ocho horas que nos ha durado.

Técnicamente sorprendente

También nos ha sorprendido mucho en lo visual, teniendo en cuenta que es lo hemos jugado en Quest 2. Para ser, a efectos prácticos, un dispositivo móvil, Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife se ve muy, muy bien. Se nota que la resolución no es la nativa del casco, pero pocas pegas le podemos poner más allá de eso. Lo hemos probado en PC también para comparar y, obviamente, a resolución nativa y a 120 imágenes por segundo las diferencias son perceptibles, pero cuando estamos jugando nos podemos olvidar de ellas. Una pena que tenga compra cruzada pero no guardado cruzado entre plataformas.

De igual modo, Fast Travel Games ha hecho un muy buen trabajo con lo sonoro, aprovechando el sonido envolvente no sólo para ponernos en situación y crear tensión, sino para meternos voces en la cabeza que no sabemos de dónde vienen. No van a faltar los sustos, pero en general es un título más enfocado en el suspense que en los gritos y monstruos saltando de detrás de las esquinas. Mención de rigor al idioma: nos llega en inglés con textos en castellano (bastante bien traducidos, por cierto), pero en realidad virtual no terminamos de aprobar eso de tener que leer lo que nos dicen, ya que al fin y al cabo todo tiene que sumar para la inmersión. Al menos los diálogos suelen ser estáticos, por lo que podemos pararnos y leer.Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online

Por último, destacar la cantidad de opciones para movernos, incluyendo un modo «proyección» similar al que hemos visto recientemente con Resident Evil 4, que nos permite mover en tercera persona a nuestro personaje y teletransportarnos luego hasta él. Nosotros, al final, hemos optado por el desplazamiento libre, que es bastante suave, y lo hemos disfrutado sin problemas.

Recomendable para pasar miedo

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife es un poco el juego independiente de terror por definición –atrapados en un sitio, con infiltración, sin poder defendernos…–, pero eso no quita que lo que hace lo haga bien. Una historia interesante, un sistema de progresión bien implementado, gráficos muy buenos para un dispositivo como Oculus Quest 2 y, en general, una experiencia divertida y equilibrada lo hacen un buen candidato para pasar miedo con nuestras gafas. Podría haber aprovechado más la realidad virtual y, de paso, tener voces en castellano, pero si queréis descubrir los misterios de la mansión Barclay desde dentro, Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife es un muy buena elección.

Hemos realizado este análisis en Oculus Quest 2 con un código de descarga proporcionado por Hill+Knowlton Strategies. También hemos probado la versión de PC gracias a la compra cruzada.

Support for Gambling and Betting Hits Record High Among Americans

As the excitement for the NFL season mounts, so does Americans’ approval of casino gaming and sports betting, with both industries hitting record highs in public approvalVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. This uptick in acceptance comes at a pivotal time—just before Responsible Gaming Education Month and amidst the seventh NFL season with legalized betting across many states.

Recent survey results from the American Gaming Association (AGA) indicate that 75% of Americans now see the gaming industry as a responsible community player. Additionally, the acceptance of sports betting as a legitimate form of entertainment remains robust, with 90% of Americans in agreement, reflecting a growing mainstream embrace of these activities.

The survey also highlights a solid backing for legalized sports betting within individual states, with three-quarters of Americans favoring this move. Joe Maloney, AGA Senior Vice President of Strategic Communications, comments on the shift: “As gaming reaches new audiences, Americans increasingly recognize the benefits of a legal, regulated marketplace that not only contributes to communities but also prioritizes responsibility and offers unmatched entertainment.”

Enhanced Perceptions of Responsible Gaming

The industry’s commitment to responsible gaming is resonating more with Americans, with 65% acknowledging the industry’s dedication—up significantly from 55% the previous year. This sentiment is even stronger among those who directly engage with gaming, as evidenced by increased approval ratings among casino goers and sports bettors.

Awareness of the industry’s responsible marketing efforts has also grown, with 65% of respondents recognizing the truthfulness in its advertising—up from 58% last year. Furthermore, 73% view these marketing efforts as responsible, a noticeable improvement from the prior year.

There’s also an increased acknowledgment of the effectiveness of the gaming industry’s responsible gaming programs, with 66% of Americans approving, compared to 59% in the previous year. Among gamers and bettors, this belief is even more pronounced.

The survey underscores a significant rise in exposure to responsible gaming messages, particularly among land-based casino players and sports bettors. Familiarity with responsible gaming resources has also surged, with a notable percentage of the gaming community now aware of at least one such resource.

This comprehensive view of public sentiment was captured by Kantar via an online survey conducted among a nationally representative sample of over 2,000 registered U.S. voters, providing a snapshot of the growing endorsement for the gaming and betting industries. As these industries continue to evolve, the alignment of community values with industry practices appears stronger than ever, promising a future where fun, entertainment, and responsibility go hand in hand.Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online

The Crown Melbourne To Enforce Mandatory Breaks for Patrons

The Victorian government has joined Western Australia in its efforts to minimize gambling harm at the troubled Crown Casino. The Royal Commission recently recommended betting and time limits for Crown Perth in Western Australia, and authorities in Victoria have already mandated similar measures for the operator’s Melbourne branch. Patrons must take mandatory breaks every few hours and face daily and weekly limits.Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online

Daily and Weekly Limits Will Encourage Safer Gambling

The ongoing controversy surrounding The Crown has kickstarted some long-overdue regulatory reforms. The 2021 Royal Commission investigation revealed systemic regulatory violations, tax evasion, severe money laundering, and ties to criminal organizations. The operator’s Australian properties have since felt the ire of the local regulators, paying hundreds of millions in fines and facing ongoing restrictions until they fall back into compliance.

Crown Melbourne now operates under the watchful eye of the Victorian government, which oversees the ongoing reforms. The newest updates aim to combat the rising problem of gambling rates by introducing mandatory breaks and time limits. Patrons will take a non-optional 15-minute break for every three continuous hours of play and a 24-hour break if they have gambled for over 12 hours daily.

Victoria authorities hope that such forced breaks, combined with a 36-hour weekly limit, will help dissuade patrons from overspending. The region’s Casino and Gaming minister Melissa Horne hoped the measures would lay the foundations for a safer gaming environment. A September 2022 legislation also introduced a cash cap of $1000 per 24 hours.

The Royal Commission (evidence) showed incredibly predatory behavior on people… struggling on the casino floor and in the pokie machine rooms in particular.

Melissa Horne, Victoria Casino, and Gaming minister

Anti-Gambling Advocates Find Such Measures Lacking

Despite the authorities’ good intentions, some experts remain skeptical of the practical benefits of time limits. Alliance for Gambling Reform CEO Carol Bennett noted that individuals struggling with gambling addiction would move on to bet at another venue. The proliferation of pokeys across various establishments means a machine is always nearby.

The measures put in place in Crown should also be translated into pubs and clubs because we’re otherwise just shifting the problem.

Carol Bennett, Alliance for Gambling Reform CEO

Bennett tentatively agreed that such measures were a step in the right direction and urged widespread reforms encompassing all venues offering to gambleVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. However, each Australian region’s high degree of autonomy makes coordination difficult, and powerful lobbying groups ceaselessly fight to maintain the status quo. Even so, attempts to bring order to Australia’s premiere gambling destination should receive recognition.

Two Rolls Royce Cars Owned by IPI Sold for $333K

Two luxury Rolls Royce vehicles, part of the assets of Imperial Pacific International (IPI) LLC, the troubled Saipan casino operator, were up for sale via an auction that closed on April 11. The luxury cars were able to find new owners, after the company in charge of auctioning the assets, Clear Management Ltd, confirmed the sale of the two vehicles, as announced by IAG.

While one of the cars was sold for $163,000, the live online auction saw the second car sell for $170,000. This means that the sales of the cars brought approximately $333,000.

The two Rolls Royce vehicles are only a couple of the total outstanding assets belonging to IPI that are likely going to be soldCome from jili646. Counting the two recently sold cars, so far, there are 11 vehicles belonging to IPI that have been sold.

However, the operator’s assets include many more cars that may go for auction this summer. In total, more than 100 vehicles that are a part of the operator’s assets are likely to go for sale through auctions.

Previously, Danny Ewing, Clear Management’s operations director and former IPI employee, revealed that the company anticipates significant interest from different jurisdictionsCome from lodigamecasino. “We expected strong interest in these from CNMI and Guam, but what has surprised us is the interest from the Philippines and mainland USA,” he said.

While the two luxury vehicles found new owners, they have to be aware that the transportation of the cars would require additional expenses. Still, considering that a 2021 Rolls Royce can cost approximately $300,000 or even more, the buyers definitely were in for a good deal. How much extra they would pay for the transport also depends on the destination.

Auction for IPI’s Two Crystal Dragons Continues

IPI’s two luxury vehicles were sold but the auction for the operator’s famed Crystal Dragons is still ongoing. The two unique art pieces were put up for auction back in mid-March and their sale came after high-end liquor belonging to the operator was sold.

The two Crystal Dragons are more than 60 meters long and consist of crystal gems. The unique sculptures were made with 2.5 million Swarovski crystals.

A state-of-the-art lighting system allows the Crystal Dragons to change color, underlining further their uniqueness. IPI’s Crystal Dragons were put up for auction with an initial bidding price of $100,000. While those are unique pieces of art, their size and restricted utility make them difficult to sell. Yet, according to Ewing, a number of potential buyers, primarily from the Middle East, have shown interest in the sculptures. The auction for the Crystal Dragons will close on August 22, 2024.

UKGC Issues £490,000 Fine To Paddy Power Betfair For Marketing To Vulnerable Players

PPB Counterparty Services Limited, commonly known as Paddy Power and Betfair, must pay a fine of £490,000 to the UK Gambling Comission (UKGC) for marketing to clients who self-excluded, meaning they recognized they had a problem controlling their gambling and asked that the operator rejects their service.Come from Lodigame777

Accidentally sent a push notification:

Paddy Power Betfair has informed the UK gambling regulator that in November 2021 it had accidentally sent an increase in odds push notification for bets on an English Premier League football match from its app to Apple devices connected to customer accounts that self-excluded through Gamstop. However, the company also said that this was due to human mistake and that they didn’t do it on purpose.

After the investigation, the UKGC decided that PPB had failed to act accordingly to paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Social Responsibility Code Provision (SRCP) 3.5.3. and that it violated Commission’s rules which demand gambling companies to take all reasonable steps to avert any marketing material from being sent to a self-excluded client and to take steps to get rid of the name and details of a self-excluded client from any marketing databases within two days of receipt of a completed notice of self-exclusion.

Commenting on the fine, Kay Roberts, Gambling Commission Executive Director of Operations, said: “Although there is no evidence the marketing was intentional, nor that all the people with apps saw the notification or that self-excluded customers were allowed to gamble, we take such breaches seriously. We would advise all operators to learn from the operator’s failures and ensure their systems are robust enough to always prevent self-excluded customers from being sent promotional material.” Ian Brown, CEO of Flutter UK & Ireland, added: “Flutter’s ambition is to lead the industry in safer gambling and we apologize for this mistake. The push notification in question was sent in error and, once discovered by our team, we took immediate steps to rectify the issue and proactively notified the Gambling Commission. We know that neither Paddy Power nor the regulator received any complaints about the message. We continue to work closely with the Gambling Commission in all areas and we are committed to operating at the highest possible levels of responsibility.”

Moreover, it is still unknown how many clients actually saw the notification because in order to see it, they need to have the Paddy Power app installed and push notifications allowed.

Acceptance of penalty and admission of fault:Come from shubbet

The company recognized its mistake and accepted the penalty. However, that was not initially the case, as it appealed against the UKGC’s decision. But the appeal was dropped following the company’s decision to pay a substitute fine of £490,000.

Where is Gambling in the UK Heading in 2023-

The world is just starting to recover from the crippling effects of the pandemic. These effects have impacted different industries including gambling. In the UK, the gambling industry made almost £10 billion within the 2021 to 2022 period. These numbers are more likely to rise as restrictions and public health measures are slowly easing up. Let’s look at the trends.

Key trends in UK gambling industry

Here are some of the trends that are likely to influence the UK’s gambling industry this 2023.

Blockchain technology

In recent years, we witnessed the emergence of blockchain casinos. These are casinos that utilise blockchain technology. Its decentralised nature solves the security problems that online casinos experience.

This technology works without third-party intermediaries, making a safer environment. Here, smart contracts take care of the transactions. It provides fairness and protection to all players.

The blockchain itself stores and records information on transactions. This makes it hard for hackers to get a hold of your information and data. Crypto casinos most often run on open-source platforms which provide transparency.

For players, this means that they can check or trace their funds at any point in time. On top of all these, blockchain casinos offer numerous bonuses and promotions. New and existing players alike get to enjoy perks like free spins and sign-up bonuses.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is where digital information is added to a user’s real-time experience. One popular example of this is the Pokémon GO app which was launched in 2016.

Meanwhile, virtual reality differs from augmented reality in such a way that it transports users to a new environment. They can experience things like 3D sounds, and images among others. Although virtual reality is a newer technology, it has heavily influenced the gaming and entertainment industries.

Land-based casinos can incorporate augmented reality in several areas. This is to enhance the casino’s environment and give players a good gaming experience. For one, they can include it in certain games and slots. Players simply pull up their phones and place it in front of their favourite slot game. They will then see when it had last paid out its jackpot.

Augmented reality can also allow players to view information like digital promos, bonuses, and other games.

Virtual reality, on the other hand, can offer a lot more. With its technology, it can transport players to a whole new world. As long as they have a good, stable internet connection, they can enjoy the games from the comforts of their own homes.

Thus, it is possible to visit virtual casinos and have a chat with other virtual players before having a few rounds of virtual poker.

Challenges for the gambling industry

Despite a positive outlook on the gambling industry in the UK in the coming years, the challenges related to gambling are also growing. So much so that it has already become a health crisis in the UK.

Gambling as a public health crisis

With the proliferation of online casinos and gambling, the UK has seen an estimate of 250,000 to 460,000 problem gamblers. This issue baffled several organizations such as the NHS Northern Gambling Service.

Its clinical lead, Matt Gaskelle, has openly stated that the gambling industry is continuously offering habit-forming products. Hence, resulting to a “significant public health crisis”.

The All Party Parliamentary Group on gambling-related harm has dedicated years in rallying for additional protection. It mainly focuses on vulnerable groups and children. One inclusion in their plea is for gambling companies to pay a tariff imposed by the government.

Another is to prevent or ban these companies from using their names or logos on football shirts. It aims to put a stop to walking advertisements for gambling.

Gambling ads cause more harm than we think

The escalation of gambling advertisements is one particular area where reform is essential.

During the drafting of the UK’s Gambling Act in 2005, the use of technology was different. People regarded gambling as a dubious activity back then. Looking at the other side of the fence, people can now go to online casinos or online sports betting using their mobile phones.

On average, people may see gambling logos at around 700 times in just one football match on TV. The reason is clear. Established betting companies commission over 28,000 ads a year.

One alarming research shows that gambling ads on Twitter are far more appealing to children and young teens than to adults. As a result, almost totalling to 30,000 kids with ages11 to 16 suffer from gambling issues. These issues include financial, social, and emotional problems.

Another study supports this research and found exposure to gambling ads can cause gambling harm in all age groups. Equally important to know is that there are already 400 gambling-related deaths in the UK every year.

You can find more news on the UK’s gambling industry on this website.